Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nihon - neighbourhood spot du jour

Ok, as some of you may know I have lived in Japan, attempt to speak the language and am now working for a Japanese company. In addition I live in SOMA so, with all this going for me, surely Nihon should be my favorite local hangout in the city. Well, it comes pretty close. Walking distance from where I live this little funky bar restaurant prides itself as a top notch Izakaya (drinking establishment that also serves food) that boasts a vast selection of single malt, apparently the largest on the west coast. Not being a whiskey drinker despite persisent attempts by the bargirl to convert me, this place rocks. At the weekend DJ's, like my new friend Label, spin to help the sake go down smoothly, late night or after work check out Nihon for a good time. She will love in you in the morning too!

1 comment:

  1. I particularly enjoyed the triangular shaped sushi verses the usual boring circles. Careful with the yellowtail - you might be surprised with a fried wing instead of usual sashimi.
