Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dream Farm lives up to its name

When we moved out of the city, it was a happy hello to Marin and a sad goodbye to all the fantastic culinary excitement that the City had served up to us. However Marin seems to have a few little gems of its own. Thursday night we checked out the oft talked about Marinatas (to be reviewed in another post) and walked past the alluring window of Dream Farm. After checking out the menu and speaking to the owner we put it on the hit list. Tonight as we are still waiting for our little one to grace us with her presence we decided to give Dream Farm a test drive before settling back in for a night of the Grammys.

Right on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard the unassuming, warmly lit Dream Farm welcomes in the diner in search of quality fresh organic fare in a classy dining room setting. With only 50 minutes to order, eat and get back home we skimmed the menu. We started with a frise salad with ricotta and blood orange and the crab cakes. The crab cakes melted in with a light tartar sauce with a rocket side, delicious. For main course we had the roast chicken with green beans and creamy mash and the spicy marinara seafood capellini. The only shame about the experience was that we didn't have more time to savour it. An excellent spot and very reasonably priced, we can't wait to go back. If you live in San Rafael, San Anselmo or anywhere in Marin, do yourself a favour and pay Dream Farm a visit!

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